Below are the companies from neighboring towns.
Implementation of bakery products in bulk.
Confectionery and bakery products in bulk.
Phone: +7 (8634) 371519
Address: Taganrog, st. Lomakin, 27
Phone: +7 (8634) 371-519
Address: Taganrog, st. Lomakin, 27
Phone: +7 (8634) 332855, 43-11-11
Address: Taganrog, st. Syzranova, 24
Sale of bakery products, butter, cheese, margarine, wholesale
Phone: +79184650324
Address: Sochi, st.Staroderevyankovskaya Street. Ukrainian, 76
Wholesale of confectionery, bakery products.
Phone: +7 (8443) 31-79-51
Address: Volzhsky Street. Gorky, 96
Sale of confectionery, chocolates, bakery products, wholesale.
Phone: +7 (8443) 25-18-98
Address: Volzhsky Street. Pushkin, 24
Bakery products Salsk. All Salsk bakeries are listed in business directory If you are a representative of a bakery in Salsk or Salsk region and you did not find here information about your company please register here and we will post your business information in our directory.